Nintendo hat noch weitere Überraschungen für Bayonetta 1

Geht man nach Matt Ryan von Nintendo Kanada wird das HD-Remake von Bayonetta wohl noch die ein oder andere Überraschung für uns bereithalten. Um was es sich dabei genau handelt, gab Ryan leider nicht an, höchstwahrscheinlich handelt es sich aber um neue Zusatzinhalte wie neue Kostüme die in der Form bereits für Bayonetta 2 angekündigt wurden.

“That is the magic that’s happening there and it’s sort of happening as well with Bayonetta 1, which we’re offering with together with Bayonetta 2 for free, but allowing you to play the game in HD and to ‘cosplay’ as Nintendo characters. And there’s some other surprises in that regard that we still haven’t even announced yet. So expect to hear more about Bayonetta 1.”

“And, of course, Bayonetta 2 is this visually stimulating, over the top action game, with a really strong female protagonist. Which, in case you haven’t noticed, is kind of a theme for us; the more recent prominence of female characters. Having female characters playing a role that we haven’t seen often in the past, outside of Samus. And that leads us right back to Hyrule Warriors, seeing Zelda kick some serious ass is pretty impressive. It’s not something that we’ve necessarily seen before from Nintendo. Female Nintendo protagonists are finally stepping into the forefront in their role in the game. Whether it’s all the female heroes in Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta, the female characters in Super Smash Bros, or Samus in Metroid. Even Splatoon!”


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