Kooperation zwischen Unity Technologies und Nintendo bestätigt

Mit der Wii U will Nintendo bekanntlich den Third Party Support zurück auf die eigene Plattform holen. Um dies zu gewehrleisten, muss man die Entwickler natürlich mit der passenden Software ausstattet. In der Vergangenheit konnten wir z.B. schon von der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Umbra und Nintendo berichten, nun hat sich Nintendo mit einem weiteren Engine Entwickler geeinigt.

Die Unity Engine ist eine multi-platform Engine und ein Entwicklertool welches Wii U Entwicklern ab sofort kostenlos zur Verfügung steht. Interessant ist darüber hinaus, dass es ein Entwickler Addon geben wird, was es den aktuell 1,2 Millionen Unity Mitgliedern ermöglicht, Spiele für die Wii U zu entwickeln. Bereits fertige Spiele und Apps können anschließend ohne großen Aufwand auf die Wii U portiert werden. Speziell Indie Entwicklern kommt diese Entwicklung zugute.

Nachfolgend findet Ihr die offizielle Pressemitteilung im englischen Original.

Unity Technologies Enters Extensive Agreement with Nintendo to Support Wii U

San Francisco, CA – September 20, 2012 – Unity Technologies, provider of the Unity multi-platform engine and development tools, announced that it has entered into a worldwide license agreement with Nintendo to provide a version of Unity which supports deployment to the Wii U™ to Nintendo and third-party developers as well as Unity’s 1.2 million registered developers.

This extensive agreement will provide Nintendo the right to distribute the Unity development platform to its in-house, external, and third party licensee developers providing the large number of artists, designers, and engineers intimately familiar with Nintendo gaming systems direct access to Unity’s powerful engine and highly efficient tools that have been specifically designed to enable developers immense creative freedom.

Unity Technologies and Nintendo will collaborate to create a Wii U deployment add-on that will provide the over 1.2 million registered developers using Unity, including thousands of studios currently developing mobile and social games, an excellent opportunity to bring existing titles from the massive Unity catalogue and create a slew of new games for the innovative new console.

„The rapid growth of incredible games coming from the experienced and talented developers in our community makes Unity the new development platform of choice for AAA console developers,“ said David Helgason, CEO, Unity Technologies. „Nintendo’s unfettered access to Unity will produce a wealth of insanely good games from knowledgeable Nintendo developers and the Wii U deployment add-on will create an amazing opportunity for our massive community of developers to showcase their incredible creativity on one of the most anticipated and innovative gaming platforms to date.“

Unity’s Wii U deployment option will become widely available in 2013 and offer the same powerful, intuitive, and efficient engine and tools that the vast community of Unity developers has come to know and love.

About Unity Technologies
Unity Technologies is the creator of Unity, an intuitive and flexible development platform used to make wildly creative and intelligently interactive 3D and 2D content. The „author once, deploy everywhere“ capability ensures developers can publish to all of the most popular platforms. Unity Technologies boasts a thriving community of over 1.2 million registered developers including large publishers, indie studios, students and hobbyists. Unity Technologies aggressively re-invests in its award-winning 3D development tools and democratization initiatives, such as the Asset Store digital content marketplace and Union game distribution service, in order to remain at the forefront of innovation. Unity Technologies is headquartered in San Francisco and has offices in Canada, China, Denmark, Lithuania, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Japan and Korea. For more information, visit:http://unity3d.com.

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