Nintendo möchte mit dem nächsten System einen reibungslosen Übergang bewerkstelligen
Nintendo’s Sprung ins HD-Zeitalter war bekanntlich mit vielen Hürden verbunden, deren Auswirkungen wir in Form von Verschiebungen wichtiger Spiele zu spüren bekommen haben. Geht man nach Shigeru Miyamoto will man bei Nintendo in Zukunft immer reibungslose Übergänge sicherstellen. Im Bezug auf zukünftige Hardware gab Miyamoto an, dass er sich durchaus ein portables System vorstellen könne, dass auch als klassische Heimkonsole genutzt werden kann.
„Well, we’re always experimenting with a lot of different kinds of new hardware,“ Miyamoto said. „Certainly, we’ve put a focus more recently on what we can do to better improve the transition from one hardware system to the next. Going from GameCube to Wii, we were able to mature a smooth transition from one to the next in terms of the development environment. But with Wii to Wii U, there were some hurdles there that we had to overcome in making that transition to the new hardware system.“
„The question of whether or not we want to take a portable system and a home console system and decide if maybe, as the computer processing power improves, we could just simply say we’ll stick with a portable and make it something that could also be a home console system is a question that ties directly into product strategy, and is something I can’t really go into detail on,“
„But what I can say is that, for the time being, our focus is really on developing and building these environments that will allow us to have a smooth transition from one hardware system to the next going forward. Other than that, you can look forward to what comes next.“
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