Satoru Iwata: Digitale Inhalte werden in Zukunft über die Nintendo Network ID zugeordnet
Während der aktuell abgehaltenen Präsentation zur weiteren Zukunft von Nintendo, sprach der Firmenchef Satoru Iwata auch die derzeitigen Arbeiten am Account-System für Nintendo-Systeme an. Zuletzt veröffentlichte Nintendo in diesem Zusammenhang die Möglichkeit, die Nintendo Network ID die man auf der Wii U sowie dem Nintendo 3DS besitzt zu verbinden. Trotz dieser neuen Account-Verbindung werden digital erworbene Spiele auch weiterhin nicht an den jeweiligen Account, sondern an die jeweilige Konsole gebunden. Dies sorgt natürlich speziell unter Kunden für viel Unmut, die Ihr System z.B. verkaufen ohne zu wissen, dass alle digitalen Inhalte somit auch verkauft wurden. Geht man nach Satoru Iwata will man in weiterer Zukunft hier Änderungen einführen und Käufe virtuell mithilfe der NNID zuordnen anstatt über die eigentliche Hardware.
The slide shows all Nintendo platforms that were launched in the past ten years. While we have tried to achieve, among other things, software-driven connectivity between handheld devices and consoles, handheld devices and consoles were in principle separated completely in terms of our ability to connect with our consumers.
In addition, we tried to encourage consumers to upgrade from an existing handheld device to a new handheld device, or from an existing console to a new console, by providing backward compatibility that enabled them to take their software assets from their existing system. However, we became disconnected with our consumers with the launch of each new device as we could only form device-based relationships.
On Wii U, we launched Nintendo Network IDs, which are abbreviated as NNIDs. This is the first step of our efforts to transform customer relationship management from device-based to account-based, namely, consumer-based, through which we aim to establish long-term relationships with individual consumers, unaffected by the lifespans of our systems. Our future platform will connect with our consumers based on accounts, not devices.
As a second step, Nintendo 3DS became compatible with NNIDs in December 2013. Nintendo 3DS was originally designed for a device-based management system, so making it account-compatible at a later time meant that not all of its features were perfect. However, we feel that we have taken a step in the right direction as we now have a uniformly managed system in which we are connected with our consumers on both handheld devices and consoles.
Of course, when we do launch new hardware in the future, rather than re-creating an installed base from scratch as we did in the past, we wish to build on our existing connections with our consumers through NNIDs and continue to maintain them. Another very important point that we need to consider is how we will incorporate smart devices into Nintendo platforms, which were composed solely of Nintendo hardware in the past.
The traditional definition of a video game platform imposed a restriction in which we were unable to connect with consumers unless they purchased a Nintendo system. Given that the competition for consumers’ time and attention has become fierce, I feel that how we will take advantage of smart devices is an extremely important question to answer. However, in order to be absolutely clear, let me emphasize that this does not mean simply supplying Nintendo games on smart devices. Taking advantage of smart devices means connecting with all consumers, including those who do not own Nintendo’s video game systems, through smart devices and communicating the value of our entertainment offerings, thus encouraging more people to participate in Nintendo platforms. I will elaborate on this point later.
As I just illustrated, we will manage our relationships with our consumers through NNIDs in a uniform manner, and connecting with our consumers through NNIDs will precisely be our new definition of a Nintendo platform.
In other words, our platform will not be bound to physical hardware and, instead, will be virtualized.
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