Curve Studios bringt 2015 mindestens 6 Spiele in den Wii U eShop

Die Indie-Entwickler der  Curve Studios werden die Wii U laut eigenen Angaben auch im kommenden Jahr mit einigen Releases versorgen. Laut den Entwicklern erwarten uns dabei Portierungen bereits veröffentlichter Spiele, sowie Veröffentlichungen komplett neuer Titel. Im nächsten Jahr sollen wir dann auch nicht mehr länger auf die Veröffentlichung von Spielen aus dem Hause Curve Studios warten, da ein zeitgleicher Release versprochen wird.

“We’re certainly not as small as many other developers releasing on the eShop, but one of the bonuses of having a big team of talented people is that we’ve been able to help solo developers and smaller groups start to bring their games to the eShop when they otherwise wouldn’t have had the time or the money for another platform,” 

“Next year we’re planning to release at least six more of those games, and we hope to bring as many of those as possible to the Wii U. Some of these will be ports, and others will be brand new releases launching on the Wii U at the same time as other consoles. We’ve already announced OlliOlli, Ultratron and Nova-111, but we’ve got at least one more brand new indie game to announce next year for the Wii U.

“It’s a good feeling not only to reflect on a great 2014 but also be able to commit to doing that again with Nintendo and Nintendo fans next year. We’re very excited about the future of digital on the Wii U, and we can’t wait to see how other developers use the system in the future. Here’s to 2015!”

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