Ninja Pizza Girl und The Hole Story über Kickstarter finanziert

Über Kickstarter wurden zwei neue Indie-Spiele für die Wii U finanziert. Bei den neuen Spielen handelt es sich um den Plattformer Ninja Pizza Girl sowie den Puzzler The Hole Story. Erste Videos direkt von den jeweiligen Kickstarter-Seiten gibt’s nachfolgend.

After digging up a strange portal in her backyard, budding young archaeologist Wendy falls through time into a strange new land. She quickly discovers that her best chance of returning home is to rescue Alonna, a princess who has gone missing from the kingdom. Her goal in mind, Wendy sets about resolving the problem the best way she knows how – by digging of course!

Ninja Pizza Girl is a fast-paced platform game about speed and flow, about big jumps and giant drops and yelling out “Woohoo!” It’s a game of freedom and fun for speed runners and platformer newcomers alike. It’s also a game about Gemma,a sixteen-year-old girl trying to keep her dreams alive in face of the most merciless enemies known to any teenage girl – other teenagers.

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