Indie: The Fall erscheint für Wii U

06d3417b9454fe7016f4e3d57f4166cf_largeDas Entwicklerstudio Over the Moon sucht auf Kickstarter derzeit nach finanzieller Unterstützung für den kommenden Genremix The Fall. Das Projekt konnte derzeit bereits etwa 20.000 US-Dollar sammeln können. Aktuell gaben die Entwickler bekannt, dass es auch eine Wii U Version des Spiels geben wird. Diese soll kurz nach der Fertigstellung der PC bzw. Mac Version erhältlich sein. Einen ersten Trailer zu The Fall findet Ihr im nachfolgenden Beitrag.

The Fall is:

A fresh mix of genres – The Fall integrates point and click adventure games, platformers, and shooters into a very unique experience. Drawing equal inspiration from games like Super Metroid and Monkey Island, The Fall is humbly inspired by the greats that came before it.

A fresh narrative experience – The Fall has a story that focuses on „doing“ rather than „watching“. As players work their way through challenges, they organically find solutions that imply a larger narrative as the game progresses.

Episodic – The Fall has been designed from day one to be a manageable project, requiring relatively little in development costs, and able to sustain itself by providing players with reasonably sized, affordable episodes. This project will be finished on time!

Indie – Up until now, the fall has been developed by one person: myself! The Fall represents a long personal goal of mine to have a sustainable career making fantastic, meaningful games as an indie. You can make that happen!

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