Nintendo arbeitet an flexibler Preisgestaltung im Wii U eShop
Besitzer eines Wii U Premium Bundles bekommen für jeden Kauf im Wii U eShop Punkte gutgeschrieben, die anschließend direkt im eShop ausgegeben werden können. In Zukunft denkt man bei Nintendo aber an eine flexiblere Preisgestaltung von der speziell loyale Konsumenten profitieren sollen. Denkbar wären an dieser Stelle spezielle Rabatte oder auch die Möglichkeit Freunden kostenlos Spiele zur Verfügung zu stellen. Erste Experimente möchte man im Wii U eShop durchführen.
“If we can offer flexible price points to consumers who meet certain conditions, we can create a situation where these consumers can enjoy our software at cheaper price points when they purchase more.
“Here, we do not need to limit the condition to the number of software titles they purchase. Inviting friends to start playing a particular software title is also an example of a possible condition. If we can achieve such a sales mechanism, we can expect to increase the number of players per title, and the players will play our games with more friends. This can help maintain the high usage ratio of a platform. When one platform maintains a high active use ratio, the software titles which run on it have a higher potential to be noticed by many, which leads to more people playing with more titles.
“When we see our overall consumers, they generally play two or three titles per year. We aim to establish a new sales mechanism that will be beneficial to both consumers and software creators by encouraging our consumers to play more titles and increasing a platform’s active use ratio without largely increasing our consumers’ expenditures.”
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