Nintendo sammelt Fan-Wünsche zu Zelda: Wind Waker
Nintendo arbeitet derzeit bekanntlich unter anderem an einem Remake des GameCube-Klassikers Zelda: Wind Waker. Neben einer aufpolierten Grafik will Nintendo auch einige Verbesserungen am eigentlichen Spiel vornehmen. Nintendo scheint bei dem Remake speziell auf die Wünsche der Fans zu hören und listet die interessantesten in einer aktuell veröffentlichten Pressemitteilung auf. Laut der Pressemitteilung wünschen sich Fans für das Remake z.B. die Inhalte die aus Zeitgründen nicht im originalen Spiel enthalten waren. Fans wünschten sich weiters einen frei wählbaren Schwierigkeitsgrad sowie spaßigere Segelfahrten. Die komplette Pressemitteilung im Originaltext findet Ihr im nachfolgenden Beitrag.
What’s on your wishlist for the new Wii U Zelda game?
With a brand new remake of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker on the way to the Wii U console, speculation has been mounting over what the reinvented game will be like.
Nintendo developer Shigeru Miyamoto, who’s had a hand in the development of many popular Nintendo games with the exception of the Professor Layton series, has offered a few hints as to what we can expect from the new Wind Waker when it finally arrives. He told the ABC news network that HD capabilities of the Wii U will be able to “breathe new life” into the game, and also hinted that the game will have upgraded graphics, along with enhance lighting, better cel shading and overall, a more dynamic and vibrant look.
As it is being developed specifically for the Wii U console, the way the new Zelda: Wind Waker title is played will also be different from its Nintendo GameCube original. Similarly to the New Super Mario Bros. U title, Wind Waker players will have the option to play entirely on the Wii U GamePad. There will also be integration with the Wii U’s Miiverse, similarly to other games released for the console.
This is what we know about the new Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker game so far, but as for more detailed specs and features, we’re still completely in the dark. So, the question is – what would you like to see in the new Wind Waker? What would be on your wish list if you could have a hand in designing the game?
A number of game fans and pundits have a few suggestions, such as the following:
Bring back cut content – a lot of segments (specifically, dungeons) were cut from the original GameCube design due to time constraints, but these could easily be brought back and expanded on in the new title
The ability to change difficulty levels – fans of the Zelda series, or anyone who has ever played a Zelda game, might appreciate the chance to up the ante difficulty-wise, as well as turning off those annoying tutorials
Make sailing more fun – anyone who played the original Wind Waker will know that sailing in the game could be a bit of a chore. Lengthy and repetitive, Zelda fans agree that a way to make sailing faster and more enjoyable is a must when it comes to the new and improved game.
These are just a few of the things Zelda fans would like to see in the brand new Wind Waker, but what improvements would be at the top of your list?
Ob Nintendo auf die Wünsche der Fans eingehen wird, ist derzeit noch nicht genau bekannt. Da sich die PR-Abteilung aber bereits auf mit den oben genannten Neuerungen auseinandersetzt, scheint es als würde Nintendo bei dem Remake wirklich ein offenes Ohr für Fan-Wünsche haben.
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