Satoru Iwata aufgrund von Operation nicht bei der diesjährigen Investorenkonferenz dabei

iwata_headSatoru Iwata war bereits auf der diesjährigen E3 nicht dabei, wie sich nun herausgestellt hat, wird man den derzeitigen Nintendo Präsident wohl auch auf der diesjährigen Investorenkonferenz nicht vorfinden. Grund dafür ist eine Operation von der sich Iwata erholen muss. Im Detail geht es um ein Geschwür im Gallengang das entfernt werden musste.

Die Art von Geschwür könne bei einer späten Behandlung nur schwer in den Griff zu bekommen sein. Da das Geschwür bereits bei einem Gesundheitscheck gefunden wurde, sollte der Genesung von Herrn Iwata wohl nichts im Wege stehen.

Thank you very much for your continued extraordinary support of us. I am Satoru Iwata, President of the company.

Today, there is one thing that I would like to share with you.

Recently, as the result of one of my routine physical examinations, an issue was detected. Following a more detailed examination, a growth was found in my bile duct.
In general, it is said that a bile duct growth can be difficult-to-treat, partly because of the difficulty of detecting it early. In my case, luckily, it was detected very early and I had no symptoms.
I was counseled that removal at an early stage would be the desirable medical option. Therefore I had surgery last week, and I came through it well, as predicted.
I have already resumed my business by email and by other means, but it is anticipated that a little more time is needed for me to return to my regular work schedule.

As a result, I have no choice but to miss the company’s very important activity, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, to be held this month. As the president of the company, I regret that I cannot attend the meeting. However, I understand that I have to prioritize my medical treatment and to recover as soon as possible so that I will again be able to do my best to help the company to grow. I hope that you understand.

Best Regards,

Satoru Iwata

Na dann, gute Besserung Herr Iwata.

Iwata Fight

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