Digitale Verkäufe laut Satoru Iwata auf dem Vormarsch

SatoruIwataLaut Nintendo befinden sich die digitalen Verkäufe auf Nintendo-Plattformen derzeit auf dem Vormarsch. Im direkten Vergleich zum Vorjahresquartal sollen sich die Erlöse aus digitalen Verkäufen sogar verdoppelt haben. DLC-Inhalte zu Retail-Spielen sollen dabei etwa die Hälfte aller Verkäufe ausgemachen. Was Satoru Iwata zu dem Thema noch zu sagen hatte, erfährt Ihr im nachfolgenden Beitrag.

„In unserer letzten Präsentation gab ich bereits an, dass wir unser digitales Business einer signifikante Expansion unterziehen müssen um den neuen Marktanforderungen gerecht zu werden und zeitgleich neue Möglichkeiten zu erschließen.

In our recent presentations, I have repeatedly stated that a significant expansion of our digital business is required to adapt to the changes in the business conditions and to create new business opportunities.

This graph shows the transitions of download sales until the last fiscal year. The sales slowed in the fiscal years ended in March 2011 and 2012. As I told you at the Financial Results Briefing in April, however, the sales in the last fiscal year more than doubled those of the previous year and were our highest ever. The download sales in the first half of this fiscal year reached 11.4 billion yen, which is more than double the figure in the first half of the previous year and surpassed that of the second half. Digital download sales of packaged software represented about the half of the download sales, but the other types of digital sales have also risen steadily.

We have provided various methods of micropayment for enriched download-only games and services for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, whose Internet-connection ratios are significantly higher than our previous platforms.

And we have provided a means for our consumers to periodically source information about games through Nintendo eShop, as shown by the fact that it is now the most popular way to watch Nintendo Direct videos.

In addition, we have expanded our range of payment methods, including POSA cards on retailers‘ shelves. As a result of the efforts we have made over the last two years, we are confident that our digital business has finally entered a phase of expansion. – Satoru Iwata


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